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Madden NFL 16




Madden NFL 16 


Last year Madden NFL 15 was all about the defense. In fact the defenses became pretty powerful. If you are a defensively minded player then you loved Madden NFL 15. I really liked Madden NFL 15 because of the defensive nature of the home console sports video game. Madden NFL 16 tilts in favor the offensive. Especially powerful players like Marshawn Lynch and Rob Gronkowski.

Family Friendly Gaming was provided a reviewable copy of Madden NFL 16 on the Xbox One. The major changes in Madden NFL 16 revolve around the passing and receiving. Passes are contested more often and players can be aggressive or conservative in trying to break up the pass or intercept. Quarterbacks can now throw different places and the receivers can make a conservative catch, or an aggressive one to make yards after the catch.

The loading times are a bit long in Madden NFL 16. Probably cause it constantly wants to connect to the Internet, and update rosters, and player calls. I never pay any attention to what other players called in a certain situation. It is a wasted feature in my opinion. Just like all those online modes. Don't ever use them, and don't want them. It is always better playing someone else locally.

Kick returns have been tweaked, and it is easier to run one back for a touchdown. It is easier to throw Hail Mary passes, and they have a higher percentage of success now. It is also easier to intercept the ball by being aggressive. Just spam the 'Y' button. All kinds of players can now do one handed catches ala Odell Beckham Jr. in Madden NFL 16. It is pretty noticeable. The announcers like to point it out too.

I had real trouble finding the track lists of songs in Madden NFL 16. I was not given the choice to turn off certain offensive songs. Instead I had to turn the menu music down to zero. This did not stop the songs from playing though. In fact every so often at the top of the screen Madden NFL 16 told me it was playing some other song. I find the lack of choice in this manner confusing. As well as the ESRB not finding a way to list the lyrics descriptor. Some of the player physics can lead to visual glitches and other uncomfortable looking situations. There is also football violence in this game.

On the plus side of things I saw a player praying, and doing the sign of the cross as their celebration. New camera angles and new presentations are fantastic. I love seeing the box telling me how many yards a player ran or passed. Madden NFL 16 feels like football and I am sure the annoying constant Internet updates will keep teams closer to what is happening in the real world. If your complaint about Madden NFL 15 was the defense was too OP, then you should check out Madden NFL 16.
- Frank

{UPDATE 08-31-2015: The EA tracks was found by pressing in on the right trigger stick. Much harder to find. Individual songs can be removed.}


Graphics: 95%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: PS3/Xbox 360/Playstation 4/Xbox One (tested)
Publisher: EA Sports
Developer: EA Tiburon
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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