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Muppets Most Wanted





Muppets Most Wanted 


Family Friendly Gaming spent hundreds of dollars covering the Muppets
Most Wanted for Disney. The Editor in Chief refused to run their
advertisements for free. How could we stay in business by giving
everything away? Plus Disney makes more than enough money to pay FFG
for advertisements. Well he put in multiple requests for a reviewable
copy. The PR contacts refused to respond. So I went out there and
purchased this movie for a review in this issue.

Muppets Most Wanted is expensive. Especially when we consider
how long it is. Only 107 minutes. Cast changes are put in this movie
with no explanation. All of our favorite Muppet characters are in this
movie that should be called Muppets World Tour.

Muppets Most Wanted has more violence, crime, and adult content
like gambling. Muppets Most Wanted pokes fun at sequels not being as
good as the originals. Sadly Muppets Most Wanted falls short. It feels
like the executives at Disney are poking viewers in the eye. And they
are laughing all the way to the bank.

Kermit gets replaced by an evil frog in Muppets Most Wanted.
Animal is the only one that notices it at first. Eventually Walter
figures it out too. He brings in Fozzy Bear, and they go to rescue him.
There are a few laughs here and there in Muppets Most Wanted. The songs
are not nearly as good in Muppets Most Wanted either. This whole movie
feels rushed, and thrown together. In fact in terms of ranking this
movie, it falls near the bottom. Meaning Muppets Most Wanted is one of
the worst Muppets movies of all time.

Plenty of musicians, actors and actresses make appearances in
Muppets Most Wanted. Few are given much time in Muppets Most Wanted.
Which is a shame.

The lesson in Muppets Most Wanted is getting your own way is
not as satisfying as you might think. Too bad company executives do not
learn that concept. PR firms and their employees could also learn that
lesson. Muppets Most Wanted is worth five to ten dollars tops.


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 50%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Mandeville Films

Rating: ‘PG’ - Parental Guidance Suggested {For some Mild Action}

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