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Pumped BMX+




Pumped BMX+ 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code for Pumped BMX+ on the PSN. This downloadable only video game is a cross-buy. Which means families pay one time and it works on the Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and Playstation Vita. Pumped BMX+ is also available on the Wii U, Xbox One, and Personal Computer (PC). The size of Pumped BMX+ is below three hundred megs.

What do families get when they purchase Pumped BMX+? Fifty levels with five hundred challenges. This is a 2D side scrolling bicycle tricks video game. Sort of like Trials Fusion. Players have a variety of achievements to attain in the levels of Pumped BMX+. It is not always easy to make some of those huge jumps. Tricks can be a lot of fun, especially if you can chain them together for monster scores.

Graphically Pumped BMX+ looks okay. I have seen worse, and I have seen better. Pumped BMX+ shows its mobile roots, especially on the Playstation 4. The music in Pumped BMX+ is neat. I enjoyed listening to it. I also enjoyed the encouraging comments after successfully completing a level in Pumped BMX+. Pumped BMX+ has a fair learning curve to it.

Some things in Pumped BMX+ take practice. I advise families start in the tutorial. That way you can learn all of the different commands. The control scheme can get a bit intricate in this downloadable only video game. Even with the tutorial, and some practice I had problems with long jumps. What would really stink is getting a brand new massively high score, but not able to finish the level. There is a button that lets you restart a level and lose that cool score.

Pumped BMX+ is not the first time a game like this has been released. Pumped BMX+ focuses more on the tricks than completion time. So if you are into bike trick games, and you do not require a physical copy, then check out Pumped BMX+ on the PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, or PC. I like how Pumped BMX+is on so many different systems. It reaches more gamers that way. It could reach even more gamers if it was released in the physical format.
- Frank


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PC/Xbox One/Wii U/PS3/PS Vita/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Curve Digital
Developer: YEAHUS
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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