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Puzzle Monkeys 


The coolest thing about being chosen to review games for Family Friendly Gaming is all of the amazing products that come in. The EIC told me five hundred plus products come in every year now. I was blessed enough to be picked to play and write the review for Puzzle Monkeys on the Wii U.

I knew nothing about Puzzle Monkeys. I did not know what I was getting into. I expected a sub par downloadable only video game since that is what the Wii U is generally known for. Nintendo may allow all kinds of indie games on their home console - does not mean many are any good though.

To my shock Puzzle Monkeys is a fun, fantastic puzzle game. There are two main modes. Each of them has monkey faces in cubes on the screen. In Mode A players move blocks of four around and drop them on the monkey tiles. The goal is to get three or more of the same color. This can be vertical or horizontal.

Puzzle Monkeys reminds me of Columns on the Sega Genesis. It takes the concept and improves upon it drastically. Now Mode B in Puzzle Monkeys has blocks moving across the top of the screen. Tap a color and they drop down. So the goal is to line them up perfectly.

There is another puzzle franchise that obviously inspired Puzzle Monkeys - Tetris. When it comes to selecting music, speed, level and more Puzzle Monkeys shares numerous traits that can be found in Tetris. Which is a really good thing in my professional opinion.

I did not expect much from Puzzle Monkeys. It surpassed all of my hopes, and is a very solid puzzle game. It pays its respects to the past puzzle greats. It is also something new, different, fun, and fresh. I would like to see this home console video game released in a physical format at some future date.
- Luke


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Wii U
Publisher: Log Games
Developer: Log Games
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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