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Rio 2 


Rio did so well that the studio decided to do a sequel. Our kids enjoyed the first movie so they wanted us to purchase Rio 2. I hoped this movie would be as good as the first one. There are some good parts in Rio 2, and some parts that will be found offensive. Things have changed, and some are the same.

Rio 2 shows us Blu, his wife Jewel, and their three kids. They are repopulating the earth with Blue Macaws. Another blue macaw is seen in the Amazon. So the birds take a family trip into the Amazon. They find an entire flock of the birds. Jewel finds her father and mother. This is where some of the trouble comes into play.

Animals are shown are being better than humans in Rio 2. The one exception is tree huggers are glorified in Rio 2. Nigel makes his return, and he wants revenge against Blu. There is some violence in Rio 2. Property is destroyed, and humans are attacked. One is even unrealistically eaten by a snake.

Problems build in Rio 2. Once the family of birds we know is in the flock in the Amazon, we see major issues growing. Jewel’s father does not want anything human related to be around. He also does not allow anyone to leave the village. This is a big deal when Blu is ready for the family to go back to their home. They are on a family vacation after all.

Rio 2 teaches: “happy wife, happy life.” Yet Blu does everything to make his wife happy and he is absolutely miserable. No one cares about making Blu happy. So in my book Rio 2 teaches a very bad lesson. Jewel is also being very selfish, and she is being a horribly insensitive wife.

As you probably suspected, Rio 2 is very extreme about the Amazon jungle. The hatred of humans that Rio 2 teaches is alarming. What I find most humorous is the people who made Rio 2 call themselves progressive. Yet they are against progress. Go figure.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Blue Sky Studios
Rating: ‘G’ - General Audiences

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