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Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia




Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia 


Family Friendly Gaming was just provided a copy of Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia on DVD - a few weeks after Christmas. The package also comes with a Sofia the First light up ornament for a Christmas tree. The run time of Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia is 113 minutes.

When everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming saw Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia, they had one question. That question was - what holiday? This is why the word holiday has become offensive since it creates chaos and confusion. Accurately labeling the day being celebrated makes more sense and is way less offensive. In this case it is Christmas.

The episodes on Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia are Holiday in Enchancia, Baileywick's Day Off, The Little Witch, The Baker King, and Fours a Crowd. The lessons are give to those less fortunate, there is happiness in poverty, serving others, turning someone evil to good, the value of your role, the difficulty of the lives of others, and making new friends does not end old friendships.

I had some thoughts while watching Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia. One of them was what do you do when someone evil refuses to turn from their ways? Another one was wow trying to hide Christ and promote witches on the same disc. Finally another one was will the people making money off this product enact the lesson in Baileywick's Day Off?

The kids were not into the songs in Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia like they usually are. Maybe a Christmas Carol would have fit better on this DVD. Magic is still a major part of this show - I bring that up for the families bothered by that content. There is a theme of forgiveness in the witch episode.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 72%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney Junior
Rating: ‘TV-Y’ - TV-Y (all ages 2 and up)
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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