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The Need for Speed





The Need for Speed 


The 3DO is a footnote in video game history. I offered to play The Need For Speed for this retro review. I got to see where this franchise came from. In my opinion The Need For Speed is a lot like the Outrun video games. The biggest difference is The Need For Speed has you race another car cross country. The second biggest difference is The Need For Speed has police officers that will pull you over and write you a ticket. Unless you resists arrest and get caught.

I do not like the running away from the police in The Need For Speed on the 3DO. It makes me think of kids resisting arrest and getting shot. Then people lose their minds and go crazy about the police enforcing the laws. When you obey the law you are not getting shot by the police. Some people think they should be given special preferential treatment.

The Need For Speed teaches bad lessons. It teaches us to speed, be selfish and rude on the road, and to not accept responsibility for our mistakes. The graphics of The Need For Speed did not impress me, nor did the eight different vehicles. Skip this retro game.
- Frank


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 50%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: 3DO
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Pioneer Productions
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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