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Wii Sports Club





Wii Sports Club 


I still play Wii Sports from time to time. I know it is an old game released back in 2006. But my big bro and I enjoy boxing, tennis, bowling, and baseball. Golf has never been something we were that into. So when our dad mentioned Family Friendly Gaming was renting Wii Sports Club on the Wii U, I was very excited. After playing Wii Sports Club on the Wii U I find my enthusiasm greatly reduced.

If you already have Wii Sports then there is little reason to justify a purchase of Wii Sports Club. Especially with the current prices of this home console rehash video game. I would pay ten dollars for Wii Sports Club. There are not enough improvements to justify a purchase. Plus Wii Sports Club only works with Wii Motion Plus controllers.

There is so much glitchy with Wii Sports Club compared to current games. The pitcher has legs while pitching, but not while fielding. The batter has legs while batting, but not while running. The fielders have no legs or arms still. Nine years ago these kinds of things were cute and acceptable. Now we have higher expectations. Nintendo can’t add a few things to a system included mini game and expect fifty dollars.

The online game play is cool if you are into that, and you have the Internet bandwidth to play video games online against others. Wii Sports Club shoves that down your throat constantly. It wants to drown you with Miiverse, and other online stuff. If you are not into the online content then Wii Sports Club is barely worth five dollars. I have not even gotten into the worst part.

The controls in Wii Sports Club make me want to scream. For two family members to box against one another you need four Motion Plus Wii controllers. Unless you want to fight one handed. Yeah, the experience got worse on the Wii U. Speaking of getting worse - golf. Put the Wii U Gamepad at your feet, and swing a Wii Motion Plus Remote at it. Wii Sports Club tells you not to step on the $150 Wii U Gamepad. This is a set up for broken Wii U Gamepad’s. The controls in the rest of the mini games are glitchy by the standards of today.

I wanted to like Wii Sports Club so much. I wanted to add it to the list of games Family Friendly Gaming will buy to mess around with, and get article ideas. After playing Wii Sports Club, I don’t want it bought. I want to forget this game. The original is better and we already own it. Save your money for something way better. - Kid Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 40%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Wii U
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo

Rating: ‘E10+’ for Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Violence}

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