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Wreck-It Ralph 


My mom recently found Wreck-It Ralph on the Nintendo DS for just under eight dollars. This game was obviously a quick cash in on the franchise. Which is a shame because I really like Wreck-It Ralph. The movie was really funny. It is also a shame because Wreck-It Ralph is video game related. So a good video game based on Wreck-It Ralph would be cool. Too bad we don't have one.

Wreck-It Ralph on the Nintendo DS lets families play with Ralph or Felix. Ralph breaks things and fights enemies. Felix fixes electronic switches so players can progress through the areas. This back and forth nature of Wreck-It Ralph gets repetitive. I had to swap between characters all the time in Wreck-It Ralph. This got old really fast. It also added to the boring nature of Wreck-It Ralph.

The graphics in Wreck-It Ralph are a bit below standard. The bugs are the same graphics many times. We have to fight them, and use violence to stop them. Thing is we can leave bugs and there is no penalty for it. We successfully complete the level if we kill only mandatory bugs to progress (certain rooms require enemies to be killed for the door to open), or if we kill them all. Which does not coincide with the movie in any way, shape or form.

The music in Wreck-It Ralph on the Nintendo DS is okay. Kids have to read the text in the conversations. If you can't read you won't miss much. There is a world for Felix, Hero's Duty, and Sugar Rush. Unfortunately they are all the same kind of 2D side scrolling levels. I really wanted some kind of a kart racing game in the Sugar Rush world. It was a huge disappointment that it was more of the same.

If you find Wreck-It Ralph on clearance, leave it there. I wish my mom had. Although Family Friendly Gaming can help you avoid a really bad game. Wreck-It Ralph has boring violence, sub-par graphics, less than average sounds, and it is missing all of the charm of the movie. Wreck-It Ralph on the Nintendo DS is a game to avoid. You can send in a donation as a thank you.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Disney Interactive Studios
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Cartoon Violence}

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