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Arctic Trucker Simulator




Arctic Trucker Simulator 


I used to love Ice Road Truckers. I am sad the show got so messed up with so many foul mouths. So I was very excited when my dad told me about Arctic Trucker Simulator. A physical copy of the game on the Personal Computer (PC) would be so much better than a digital download. Family Friendly Gaming was emailed a digital download code for Arctic Trucker Simulator on the Steam.

I could not get Arctic Trucker Simulator to go full screen on our computer. Neither could anyone else here at Family Friendly Gaming. I was confused by Arctic Trucker Simulator at first. I needed to go into missions to have a trailer appear on my truck at the depot. I then had to drive to the location and drive back for the mission to be considered a success.

I feel bad for truckers. If real life trucking is anything like Arctic Trucker Simulator then it is boring. Alex Debogorski officially endorsed Arctic Trucker Simulator so he would know for sure. I am guessing that the time it took me to get from depot to drop off zone was cut down from what it is really like in the real world. I will get into the lack of realism in Arctic Trucker Simulator coming up next.

There are no signs for the speed limits. When we are on the ocean there are all of the ice bergs sticking up out of the ice all of the place. Well, on and near the road. I never saw that in Ice Road Truckers. I never felt like I was slipping or losing my tread in Arctic Trucker Simulator. I never had to put chains on. There is no other traffic in this game. Every so often a wolf will run across the road. I even glitched through some trees when I missed a turn. I could never crash in Arctic Trucker Simulator.

The views in Arctic Trucker Simulator are a bit limited for my tastes. We can look from the side or from inside the cab. I tried to go above and behind in the camera and it just switched into the cab. Which was a fine view, except when I was getting gas. Why then? I could not tell if I was on the green part to gas up at first. There is music that can be played if you want to.

We accept missions in Arctic Trucker Simulator and drive them to the location. Arctic Trucker Simulator is on the easy side. The only thing I ever had to worry about was gassing up the truck. I wish there was more realism for a simulator of the arctic trucking profession. I also wish the area looked more arctic. Too many trees, and not enough snow in Arctic Trucker Simulator for me.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: UIG Entertainment
Developer: UIG Entertainment
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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