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Batman Bad Blood




Batman Bad Blood 


I have been waiting for the DC Comics movies to go on sale since they were getting worse and worse. I don't know why going adult only is the direction they want to take. There are so many wonderful stories that could be told that are much more family friendly. Batman Bad Blood is the latest example of a DC comics movie that is dark, morbid, and now we can add deviant.

I really do not understand why extreme radical liberalism keeps throwing out their fanatical beliefs in entertainment. I can only suppose they are trying to brainwash the public into accepting their rebellion against God. I personally refuse to follow them into that deep and dark abyss. They can not normalize deviant choices no matter how hard they try, or how often they preach that lie.

Batman Bad Blood has lying, violence, deceit, blood, explosions, enticement to lust, lack of attire, horrible bad language (at the level of an 'R' rated movie), biting comedy, attacks on Christians, and more. What scares me is I get the impression the writers of Batman Bad Blood want to morph our world into that world. Who would want to live in such an ugly, vile, and wicked place? It would be like living in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The ultimate storyline and end game in Batman Bad Blood takes forever to play out. I find it convenient that Batman can be brainwashed, and the so easily break free from it. It took Talia weeks to break him down. Batwing and Batwoman make appearances in Batman Bad Blood. Batwing reminds me of War Machine from Marvel. Batwoman is the worst, and most messed up character I have seen in any of these DC Comics movies.

Characters are needlessly killed off in Batman Bad Blood. Some of Batman Bad Blood does not stay true to the comics. Like Heretic getting killed off. Heretic actually is the one who kills Damian Wayne in the comics. Batman Bad Blood does a good job of bringing the Bat family together. It also feels partially like the point in time in DC Comics when Batman was killed off and gone.
- Paul


Graphics: 40%
Sound: 30%
Replay/Extras: 40%
Gameplay: 30%
Family Friendly Factor: 30%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: DC Comics
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Violence Throughout and Some Suggestive Content}

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