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Batman vs Robin 


I miss the days of Justice League Unlimited. When DC Comics were safe for kids. Batman vs Robin on DVD is a classic example of how far DC Comics has fallen. What is this Mortal Kombat for animated movies? People would die with that much blood loss. Even Batman. What happened to a spunky, happy, and funny Robin? Why does he have to be so mean, hateful, nasty, arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed, and ugly? There will be spoilers in this review.

The Court of Owls decides to re-assert themselves in Gotham thanks to their main human Talon, and all of their undead Talon warriors. Enticement to lust, lack of clothing, sex outside of marriage, and more was stuffed into this eighty minute movie. Certain plot changes make no sense to me. Why did Talon (the main human one) decided to kill off the Court of Owls in Batman vs Robin?

There must be a lot of rich and influential people in Gotham too. I mean there are a ton of them in the Court of Owls. How can there be that many? So much of Batman vs Robin does not fit the sniff test. How about letting a ten year old boy go off on his own in the world? Why? He wants to find himself. There is this thing we have called school, and teachers that can help with that. The rebellion by Robin is shameful in Batman vs Robin.

The violence, blood, and gore are way over the top in Batman vs Robin. Batman kills plenty of the undead Talons. Batman and Robin fight it out. Something about Batman beating up his own ten year old son felt wrong on so many fronts. The Grandmaster of the Court of Owls dresses like a slut every time we see her. The one exception is when she is hiding behind the Grandmaster mask.

The voice acting in Batman vs Robin is fantastic. David McCallum does a wonderful Alfred voice in this movie. There is some bad language in Batman vs Robin, mainly because there are so many intense moments. How many times can Batman be stabbed with a variety of weapons in one movie? Nightwing does a good job in this movie. The main concept taught in Batman vs Robin is to kill of the criminals because they do not deserve to live.
- Paul


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 40%
Replay/Extras: 40%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: DC Comics
‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Intense Action and Violence, Suggestive Images and thematic elements}

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