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Central Intelligence




Central Intelligence 


Central Intelligence is another movie we found on Black Friday on sale. One of our kids had seen a preview and wanted to see it. The rest of us were luke warm on the movie. I am shocked Central Intelligence is not rated 'R' for Restricted. With so much bad language, nudity, racism, blood, and violence I am unclear what the MPAA is thinking with the PG-13 rating.

Calvin Joyner (nicknamed Golden Jet) was the big man in high school. Bob Stone changed his name because he was teased and bullied mercilessly. Calvin (played by Kevin Hart) becomes an accountant and Bob (Dwayne Johnson) is a buffed out CIA agent. They connect through Facebook and Calvin's calm and boring life enters the world of espionage. Who is telling the truth? Who can Calvin trust?

There are plenty of funny moments in Central Intelligence. Dwayne Johnson is starting to look old, but he plays the mentally unhinged agent quite well. In fact I was guessing until the end if Bob was the good guy or the bad guy. Central Intelligence does a good job with that throughout the movie. Some of Bob's comments are absolutely hilarious in Central Intelligence.

I am dismayed that Holly Weird took Central Intelligence in such an offensive manner in terms of attacking Biblical marriage, good morals, and ethics. The story in Central Intelligence has so many holes in it that if it were a boat it would be sitting next to the Titanic on the bottom of the ocean. If it could make it that far out to sea. The excessive amounts of bad language in Central Intelligence is very troubling. Central Intelligence mocks Christians in a near hate speech kind of way.

I like how Calvin helped the awkward guy in high school. That act of kindness went a long way in Bob's life. Bob is always very upbeat and positive about the Golden Jet too. Even when Calvin does not believe in himself. Bob does use Calvin in Central Intelligence for his accounting skills. There is also way too much sexual innuendo in Central Intelligence. This is a movie that will be watched once and stored away.
- Paul


Graphics: 40%
Sound: 50%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 30%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Developer: Centropolis, Electric Entertainment
‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{Crude and Suggestive Humor, Some Nudity, Action Violence, and Brief Strong Language}

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