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Chess Knight 2


Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval


Chess Knight 2 


Ensenasoft has hit a home run with Chess Knight 2 on Steam. This chess game is a lot of fun, and shows some serious high quality. Families start out into a tunnel where we see the inside of an active volcano. The fire is real. In the middle is a rock formation where we play chess. The moon is showing through the top opening of the volcano. There are pirates and viking animated chess pieces facing off in Chess Knight 2.

I had problems with Chess Knight 2 when I first started playing it. I forgot what pieces did what when they were pirates or vikings. I found with the click of the mouse I could change them to 3D chess pieces, or even 2D chess pieces. That makes Chess Knight 2 more approachable in my opinion. The ability to swap can be done within the game while it is being played. So whenever it is needed by the player.

There are four levels of difficulty in Chess Knight 2. I was caught off guard by some of the intense thought by the computer in Chess Knight 2. I adapted and found better strategies to beat it. Families can play one another by taking turns with the mouse. This is where I loved playing Chess Knight 2 on the Personal Computer (PC). I love playing my dad and learning how easily he can dismantle my plans.

The download size of Chess Knight 2 is relatively small. It should not hammer families with their Internet usage plans. I had fun playing Chess Knight 2 on the PC. To me Chess Knight 2 is slightly better than Pure Chess. I love the undo command in Chess Knight 2. I needed it after making a few mistakes. I also like tapping on a piece and seeing where all my legal moves are. This helps games in Chess Knight 2 go faster.

I hope to see sequels to this franchise in the future. I also hope Chess Knight 2 is ported over to other systems. This is a fun chess game that can bring two family members together. It is also an opportunity to think about strategy and how to win a chess game. Chess Knight 2 earns the rarely given Family Friendly Gaming Seal of Approval. I recommend Steam gamers pick up this digital downloadable game for $4.99.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 100%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Ensenasoft
Developer: Ensenasoft
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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