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We had a reader request come in for Godzilla. The 2014 reboot of the franchise. I liked the 1998 movie a bit better personally. Maybe we will get around to purchasing that one and reviewing it at some point. I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming had enough money to purchase Godzilla on Black Friday. Months later we are finally getting around to watching this movie. This is an odd Godzilla movie since it has more time with the humans.

The bad content in Godzilla is the religious teachings of evolution, death, bad language, violence, blood, and massive destruction. Godzilla also teaches nuclear power is bad. I am thankful for how clean and safe nuclear power is personally. I also found it odd the military was messed up by EMP pulses. I am a disabled war veteran and remember all of our equipment we used in the Air Force was protected from EMP pulses. Another Holly Weird mistake?

I have to give some spoilers from this point on. If you have not seen the movie, and want to avoid any spoilers, then please stop reading this review right now. Hey I warned you. There are two Mothra monsters in Godzilla. They are trying to get together, breed, and repopulate the planet. Which would of course be the extinction of the human race. Godzilla hunts them, and eventually kills them thanks to some blue fire breath.

The main characters are very interesting in Godzilla. I also appreciate the concept of transitioning back into civilian life after being deployed is a hard thing. Godzilla also references the monster as a false god. Godzilla is the character that saves humanity from the other monsters. Although I doubt he cares about us much since he also causes plenty of destruction. I am not fond of the model they made for Godzilla in this movie.

There is an entire DVD of special features in the two disc set Family Friendly Gaming purchased. Godzilla Force of Nature, Operation Lucky Dragon, Monarch The M.U.T.O. Files The Godzilla Revelation, and more are some of the bonus features on Godzilla. Sadly Godzilla was not very memorable. It did not have the character depth of the 1998 reboot. The whole government cover up helps viewers distrust government. This movie reminds me of that Battleship movie.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros Pictures
Developer: Legendary
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{intense sequences of destruction, mayhem and creature violence}

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