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Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends




Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends 


Disney has a habit of taking fairy tales and modifying them into something different and more family friendly. Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends is the quintessential example of this. Goldie Locks and the three bears become friends. She is best friends with the baby bear. We also have Red Riding Hood, a frog, Humpty Dumpty, the three little pigs, Big Bad Wolf and more.

I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a physical copy of Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends for this review. It comes with the Playtime Fun Set. Something kids can enjoy while they are watching Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends. Or they can enjoy it after watching Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends on DVD. It takes 168 minutes to watch Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends.

The songs in Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends are really good. I enjoyed them. I think there is only one other kids franchise with songs that are better. What is that franchise? VeggieTales of course. There are a variety of lessons in Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends. Things like give gifts from the heart, be thankful for your size and current situation, ask nicely, and more.

The Big Bad Wolf is not very bad in Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends. Nothing near how he is in the fairy tales. He steals food from others. He mooches off of others. He scares other characters for his own amusement. By the same token I noticed other characters lie to him, and treat him worse than they treat others. Is their treatment to blame for Big Bad Wolf's temperament?

I love the episode in Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends on not lying. Even when you are trying to distract someone while a surprise is being built for them. I can think of numerous ways to avoid lying, and keeping them away. Goldie & Bear Best Fairytale Friends also teaches kids not to exclude others, avoid being quick to judge others, do not believe rumors, and witches are actually good.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney Junior
Rating: ‘TV-Y’ - Directed to children 7 and older
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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