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Hyper Bounce Blast




Hyper Bounce Blast 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code for Hyper Bounce Blast on the Steam platform. This Personal Computer video game is a screen based shooter. What that means is the player is in a box and objects come at them from all over the place. Think of the original Atari 2600 game Asteroids with gravity. Meaning your character is on the bottom of the screen.

A controller or the keyboard is used to move your circular craft around. The mouse is great for shooting the variety of objects that come your direction. Hyper Bounce Blast is color coded. Meaning we can jump on the blue objects, and shoot the red and green ones. There are also bosses in Hyper Bounce Blast. They are certainly very difficult to beat at first.

To me Hyper Bounce Blast is the mixture between a shooter and an action adventure game. Hyper Bounce Blast also has a retro feel to it. In fact I could imagine Hyper Bounce Blast as an arcade game in the 1980s. Hyper Bounce Blast has the feel to it. There are no physical copies of Hyper Bounce Blast to my knowledge at this time. I think Hyper Bounce Blast would work really well on the Wii U, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.

The graphics in Hyper Bounce Blast are bright colors on dark backgrounds. Hyper Bounce Blast has a bit of a Tron feel to it. The music in Hyper Bounce Blast is upbeat. There are six different modes to play in Hyper Bounce Blast, and plenty of options. I liked how adjustable and customizable Hyper Bounce Blast is. Casual gamers should be able to get to the first boss in Hyper Bounce Blast. From there they may need to practice.

The main menu screen confused me at first. I could not figure out how to start a level. I kept clicking on the mode I wanted to play. Then I noticed on the far right was a sliver that said Start. I doubt I will be the only person confused by this. If I am then I am happy to be first. Hyper Bounce Blast breathes a bit of life in the shooter genre with its jumping mechanic.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Kiss Ltd
Developer: Flump Studios
‘NR’ - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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