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Kindergarten Cop 2




Kindergarten Cop 2 


It is awesome that Family Friendly Gaming was provided a reviewable copy of Kindergarten Cop 2. It is even more awesome that I was tasked with the great responsibility of writing the review of Kindergarten Cop 2. This is a PG-13 movie. The language, violence, and sexual content puts it firmly in that category too. Which is a shame because Kindergarten Cop 2 was not designed for anyone under thirteen to watch it. Meaning it is not for the entire family.

My first thought with watching Kindergarten Cop 2 is man Dolph Lundgren has gotten small, and old. He is still tall, and he has some muscles. But nothing like he was in previous movies. With that expressed, Dolph does a really good job in Kindergarten Cop 2. Although at times I am not convinced he was against the mental illness of liberalism. He certainly has his moments in Kindergarten Cop 2.

The storyline is pretty predictable in Kindergarten Cop 2. We start with action adventure FBI violence, poor views on sex, poor views on marriage, enticement to lust, and then we get into the kindergarten where the humor kicks in. Finally we end it with a bit of violent action taking out the bad guy, and the main character shows he has changed to be more like the liberals.

The school in Kindergarten Cop 2 is politically correct to the max. Which makes me wonder. There has been a huge push back against those trying to destroy the traditions of American and redefine them with political correctness. How well will Kindergarten Cop 2 in this current climate? Kindergarten Cop 2 teaches the failed liberal policies are good for all of us. I am not sure that will go over very well.

I do not understand why there were so many plugs for sexual deviancy in Kindergarten Cop 2. I understand the violence, and enticement to lust. I also do not get why there is bad language, and comments that could be construed as racist. A few were there for humor I guess but they fell down for me. After I watched Kindergarten Cop 2 I thought of all the personal experiences I have had with liberalism and how damaging liberalism is. I wish Kindergarten Cop 2 had touched on some of that reality.
- Mark


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
Developer: Imagine Entertainment
‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Some Violence and Suggestive Material}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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