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Lost in Harmony




Lost in Harmony 


There have been a variety of voices requesting the video game industry deal with real world issues. Things like drawing awareness to people attacking Biblical marriage, and requesting video games be used to show support for Biblical marriage. Lost in Harmony deals with cancer, and the impact it has on those around them. Enter Kaito, a skate boarding music listening young man who cares about Aya. She is the one with cancer.

Kaito wants to do more for Aya, and has fantasies about skate boarding her away from all her pain and problems (with her on his back). This is where we get the level based runner levels. The biggest difference is the two characters are coming toward the screen. There are objects coming at us from behind, and obstacles in front of us. Family members must constantly scan the screen looking for things to avoid.

Tacked onto this level based runner is some rhythm based places to tap. This part of Lost in Harmony feels tacked on. To say there is chaos on the screen is an understatement. I had trouble getting enough points on normal to progress the story. Which is really lame since the levels are long in Lost in Harmony. Thankfully things slow down as the two characters text one another between levels.

The music in Lost in Harmony is fantastic. The graphics look nice, unless your characters are running into something. I had a real knack for running into all kinds of different objects in Lost in Harmony. This game is screaming for a normal control scheme. I would like Lost in Harmony a lot better on the PS Vita and/or Nintendo 3DS. Sometimes my fingers blocked a visual cue in Lost in Harmony.

Lost in Harmony is a little too hard for my tastes. I suppose that is done because of how few levels there are in this four hundred plus meg downloadable only hand held app. The price of Lost in Harmony is $3.99 at the time I am writing this review. There are plenty of neat things about Lost in Harmony to like. I just wish this game had been released on a system with a better control scheme.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: iPad/iPhone
Publisher: Digixart Entertainment
Developer: Digixart Entertainment
‘9+’ -Everyone NINE and OLDER ONLY
{Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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