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Max Payne





Max Payne 


How do they take a macabre, and morbid seventeen and older rated video game, and make a movie out of it that gets a thirteen and older rating? That is the question that surrounds Max Payne. A gritty cop who is down in the cold cases department. He is obsessed with revenge and moonlights without the badge. He hunts down criminals trying to find out who killed his wife and baby years ago.

Max Payne is a bloody, violent movie. There are plenty of deaths, bad attitudes, and even enticement to lust. I guess the corrupt cop willing to kill anyone is attractive to drug addicted women. There is also a spiritual component to Max Payne. There are demonic looking creatures that can only be seen after taking some drug. Are they real or just in the heads of those taking the drugs?

Max Payne takes 100 minutes to watch. In many ways Max Payne could be used as torture. The bargain bin copy of Max Payne I purchased also came with the unrated version. The Unrated version contains three more minutes of footage. Max Payne is bad enough as is, I did not bother watching the extra three minutes to see how much worse a few minutes made this macabre and morbid movie.

There is a lot of Max Payne that is really done in dark tones, and at night. The snow even feels dirty in this dark movie. The plot is predictable to the point of being trite. Video game movies have a bad name and Max Payne helps add to that bad name.

With all of its continuity errors the Super Mario Bros movie is way better than Max Payne. And the Super Mario Bros movie is actually semi enjoyable when compared to Max Payne. If you see Max Payne in a bargain bin for five dollars or less, pass on it. You can save your money and time for so many better things. Max Payne can produce nightmares in families.
- Luke


Graphics: 20%
Sound: 30%
Replay/Extras: 30%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 10%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Firm Films
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Violence Including Intense Shooting Sequences, Drug Content, Some Sensuality, and Brief Strong Language}

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