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Mini Golf Resort




Mini Golf Resort 


Mini Golf Resort was a Nintendo DS/Wii video game that came with a package, instructions, and a cartridge. Mini Golf Resort has now been ported to Nintendo 3DS in the Nintendo eShop. Family Friendly Gaming was sent a digital downloadable code for Mini Golf Resort. If families want a physical copy of Mini Golf Resort they will need to get the Nintendo DS/Wii version. They will not get the 3D effects though.

Mini Golf Resort has long loading screens for a hand held video game. Plus Mini Golf Resort also is a very difficult video game. I could not always tell how far the ball would go based on the power I selected. I like the control set up for Mini Golf Resort. After retrying shots and having all kinds of bad scores I started to learn the power set up in Mini Golf Resort. Certain ground colors would slow the ball down. Others were liquid and cost me a shot.

There are fifty-six courses in four worlds. Mini Golf Resort has over one thousand holes in it. The worlds in Mini Golf Resort are Pirate's Bay, Spooky World, Pyramids of Egypt and Legends of Greece. Spooky World has some scary images that could give kids nightmares. The difficulty in Mini Golf Resort gave me nightmares. It also led to real world anger, and real world frustration.

Mini Golf Resort shows its age visually. The music is cool in Mini Golf Resort. There are tons of ways the player's character can be customized. A level must be completed before any of the others can be played. Mini Golf Resort is not a very hand held friendly game. I had to complete all eighteen holes to unlock the next one. I stopped after a few holes and came back. Mini Golf Resort forced me to start back at the first hole again. I don't know why it did not save my progress.

I wish Mini Golf Resort had a guide to show where the ball would go and how far it would go based on the power selected. I had all kinds of trouble seeing where the ball would go. Mini Golf Resort let me redo the shot from the previous spot. The problem is Mini Golf Resort counted that wasted shot. Mini Golf Resort is hard enough without a guide showing where the ball will go. It is even worse when we are punished for trial and error. I also could not tell based on the club and ball where it would go. Too many times what looked good to me was off according to the game.

Families can have fun with Mini Golf Resort. I laughed at all of the different courses in Mini Golf Resort. fans that allow your ball to jump to higher levels and more. Be careful with the power in Mini Golf Resort. I sent the ball off the course more times than I could count. I had some fun playing Mini Golf Resort. I really liked researching this game, and finding physical copies of this game in the past.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Teyon
Developer: Selectsoft
‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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