Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Family Friendly Gaming has owned a copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
for over a year. It has been passed around as no one wants to play it
and review it. What is the problem with this hand held video game? It is
boring, dull, violent, repetitive, and ultimately meaningless. Players
complete quest after quest to gain items and gear. We can cook and craft
after we have collected.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate also contains enticement to lust, blood, a cat
creature that is a helper, drinking, and an annoying camera. The intro
video game get some gamers pumped up to waste hours hunting these ugly
monsters. Many of them look like dinosaurs. So much for creativity
there. I wonder if Capcom tries to copyright their monsters that look
like real world dinosaurs. What do you think?
If you have the Internet bandwidth you can chance playing Monster Hunter
4 Ultimate online. Which makes this game feel more like a home console
game than a hand held one. The lengthy quests which can go up to fifty
minutes also encourages that notion. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is not a
game to play for a few minutes and then put down. Monster Hunter 4
Ultimate is a game you need to commit time to with each game play
How can so much blood come flying out of the monsters? They show no
wounds, and they end up with more blood than the size of the monster
sometimes. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is another game where the company
will say they are increasing realism, but as my questions show they are
going the opposite direction. I wish more gamers would speak out on this
because it makes the entire industry look bad.
Weapons dull and can break still. At least that part of realism is
included in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I got tired of going to the same
areas and killing things, or collecting things. There is not much
diversity in what we do in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. We have a limited
run bar that recharges. Drop it too low and the ceiling drops. The same
goes for your health.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has been a low priority for Family Friendly
Gaming for some time since we suspected it would be horrible. Our
suspicions were right on track. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is one of
those video games that makes the video game industry look bad. Pass on
this game if you want my personal opinion. The choice is up to you
though. Go and make it.
- Sam
Graphics: 50%
Sound: 59%
Replay/Extras: 74%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 54%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
{Blood, Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence}
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