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My All American 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a copy of My All American on Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD for this review. This movie is part heart wrenching, and part motivational. It is based on the true life story of Freddie Steinmark. He did the best he could do at whatever he did. He was a great high school football player, and a great college football player.

Part of the drama and stress in My All American is Freddie trying to get recruited for college. He was too small. Yet he played hard, and worked hard. He had a natural ability on the football field to almost feel where the ball was going. This kind of ability is not trained. Nor is it something learned. I actually know something about this exact ability. It is a true gift that many talented sports stars wish they had.

There are some language issues in My All American. There is also a scene where Freddie is running around without his shirt on. After reading the descriptors I actually expected a whole lot worse. My All American is much cleaner than I could have hoped for. It shows what we have talked about for years here at Family Friendly Gaming - it is possible to make entertaining and clean movies.

After becoming a national champion in college, Freddie finally sees a doctor for the pain in his knee. This is where things start to turn sad in My All American. He had bone cancer the size of a baseball. The doctor's had no idea how he was walking let alone playing football. They had to amputate his leg at the hip. He fought on for another year and a half before finally passing on.

His story is so motivational that the University of Texas has pictures of him on the wall before the team runs onto the field. Each player taps a picture of him. His drive determination, and willingness to fight anything head on is part of what makes his life so motivational. He taught his team mates to lead by a quiet example. He taught them to fight through the pain of injuries. No matter how bad the odds were against him he fought.

My All American does contain numerous football scenes where the violence of hitting in football is center stage. I played high school football myself. I know what it is like to hit and be hit on the football field. My All American shows a realistic version of the game of football. If that bothers you, then My All American will have parts you will not appreciate. Personally it does not bother me. There is also some bad language in this movie.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Universal
Developer: Aviron, Anthem Ventures
Rating: ‘PG’ - Parental Guidance Suggested
{Thematic Elements, Language, and Brief Partial Nudity}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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