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Piczle Lines Jr


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Piczle Lines Jr 


My dad worked really hard to get Family Friendly Gaming a reviewable copy of Piczle Lines Jr on the iPhone and iPad. This is a really fun game. Piczle Lines Jr sells for ninety-nine cents, and contains one hundred levels. So it is like a penny per level in this downloadable only hand held video game. Which is a good deal in my opinion. There are no in-app purchases too. I hate in-app purchases. I prefer to pay one time for an app.

What do we do in Piczle Lines Jr? We draw lines from numbers to the matching numbers. The goal is to find a way to get all of the numbers matched. So a six matches with a six. The real key to Piczle Lines Jr is making sure the line goes six spaces. At the end of the level we have created a neat looking little picture. After we beat a level we see a small portion of the background picture.

The music in Piczle Lines Jr is sweet. I enjoyed listening to the music in Piczle Lines Jr. It enhances this hand held video game that is designed for kids. The lines that we draw in Piczle Lines Jr are thick. It helped me draw the lines properly and to create the picture. Every so often I needed my dad to help me finish a level because I went the wrong direction with one them.

There are all kinds of cool little animations that happen in Piczle Lines Jr. I noticed them when I was picking a level, and on the menu screens. I love how the characters in Piczle Lines Jr celebrate when I completed a level. Piczle Lines Jr felt like a party at times. A party that is family friendly and safe for kids. How many other games get that kind of a description?

Piczle Lines Jr is a breath of fresh air. With so many mean, hateful, ugly, nasty, rude, rebellious video games on the market it is great to see one that is fun, fresh, and safe for the entire family. Piczle Lines Jr can help kids think too. Want to know a secret? Want to know a secret worth thousands of dollars? Okay, I will give this away to you for free. Adults enjoy Piczle Lines Jr as well.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 100%

System: iPad/iPhone
Publisher: Score Studios
Developer: Score Studios
'4+' - Everyone FOUR and OLDER ONLY

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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