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Power Disc Slam




Power Disc Slam 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided two digital download codes for Power Disc Slam on the Nintendo 3DS. We put one on the Nintendo 3DS, and one on the Nintendo 2DS. This is the best frisbee video game I have ever played. There are eight characters in Power Disc Slam, and eight playable stages. Families can play arcade, cups, survival, and mini games.

I really like playing Power Disc Slam in single player. There is also a multiplayer in Power Disc Slam. There is local and online multiplayer in Power Disc Slam. Which means if you have two devices and two copies of the game you can play Power Disc Slam with a family member or a friend. I wish there was a physical copy of Power Disc Slam on the market at retail. This game is fleshed out enough to have one.

There are so many different ways to throw the Frisbee in Power Disc Slam. Then once you train on all of them then you can use special skills to do even better. Power Disc Slam requires speed, strategy, stamina, and intelligence. The more I played Power Disc Slam the better I got. I had a blast playing this Frisbee based video game. Don't let the Frisbee hit the ground on your side or your opponent gets points.

What are other ways to get points in Power Disc Slam? You can throw the Frisbee past them and hit the back wall. The yellow panels give the player three points and the red panels give the player five points. Getting ahead in Power Disc Slam is very important. Why? Because each of the matches in Power Disc Slam are timed. There is only so much time to get a lead in this game.

The overhead view works but does not make the characters look the greatest. When we see their 3D models in other areas we can appreciate the artistic talent. The music is nice in Power Disc Slam. I wish there were some cool announcers give us the play by play in Power Disc Slam. Maybe that will come in a sequel or something. I hope to see more games like Power Disc Slam in the future.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Chequered Cow Games
Developer: Chequered Cow Games
'E' - Everyone

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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