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Professional Farmer 2017




Professional Farmer 2017 


I love farming video games. Well technically I love the simulation video games and farming simulation games fall under that big, broad, and wonderful umbrella. Professional Farmer 2017 is the latest game to enter Family Friendly Gaming Universe. This game is on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One. In Europe there are physical copies of Professional Farmer 2017. In America we only get the 3.51 gig download. If you are on a low Internet plan then you might be out of luck. Don't worry FFG is continuing to work behind the scenes and out in public to encourage the physical copy movement.

Professional Farmer 2017 looks like a game from a past generation. I could tell what things are in Professional Farmer 2017. Nothing visually in Professional Farmer 2017 blew me away. I also had to go near certain objects to learn what they were. The one thing in Professional Farmer 2017 that surprised me is how quickly the tractor runs out of gas. Going back to gas up is important. I could not figure out how to gas back up when I ran out of gas in the mountain region.

Every family member that plays Professional Farmer 2017 should go through the tutorial first. The controls are not very intuitive. It can take some time to adapt to them. Thankfully they do show when you get the trailer in the right spot. Like when you want to fill up the seeder. The loading times are a bit long in Professional Farmer 2017 in my opinion.

I like getting out of vehicles and walking around. Be careful playing Professional Farmer 2017. I ran into some strange glitches while playing this farming simulator video game. The music in Professional Farmer 2017 is nice. I liked listening to it while plowing, planting, and harvesting. The game play area of Professional Farmer 2017 is a bit on the small side compared to some other farming simulator games.

Players need to get rid of fungi and insects in Professional Farmer 2017. Again here is something that is not the easiest to figure out how to do. I wish Professional Farmer 2017 was easier to play in these regards. Families can fast forward time for a week at a time to get to when the crops are ready to be harvested. Workers can be hired to complete chores for you too.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: PC/PS4Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: UIG Entertainment
Developer: VIS - Visual Imagination Software
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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