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RPG Tycoon




RPG Tycoon 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code of RPG Tycoon on Steam. This is one of those downloadable only video games that deserves a physical copy. In fact I know plenty of physical copy only gamers that would love to purchase RPG Tycoon at their local retailer. I would even purchase a physical copy of RPG Tycoon and we were provided a free downloadable copy.

The music in RPG Tycoon is nice. There are plenty of options. RPG Tycoon feels like a village builder without all of those annoying gems to deal with. Players start with a certain amount of money, purchase buildings, place them in town, and hire heroes. Heroes will go out on quests. Then we can do things like purchase shops and assign heroes to earn even more money.

Heroes will level up as they improve upon the quests. Your town will also level up, which will give you access to more buildings. Supplies can be made in shops, or earned from epic quests. RPG Tycoon also contains a Sandbox mode. It is easy to edit quests, and how challenging this Personal Computer game will be. Events will also happen while RPG Tycoon is played. Some of them are good, and some of them are bad.

Like most Tycoon games, it is smart to start slow in RPG Tycoon. Get yourself too far in debt too early, and you will lose. Gamers have a set amount of time to create a thriving and successful town. Take your time and build slowly. Progress can be slow which is why I recommend families avoid the shortest town duration option. RPG Tycoon saves often, and will save when you quit the game.

Some of the content in RPG Tycoon that families need to be aware of is ghosts, magic, alcohol, annoying pop up windows, and more. Heroes need to be rested and healed in RPG Tycoon. These heroes also have certain skills. There are numerous jobs in RPG Tycoon, and the shops can be upgraded. One of my favorite features in RPG Tycoon is fast forwarding time.

Roads have to be built to the entrances of the buildings. It is important to keep your town looking visually appealing. Plan before you place, and land surrounding your town can be purchased. Again moderation is taught with RPG Tycoon. I had fun playing RPG Tycoon on Steam. This is a neat little game with plenty of things going for it. I hope to see more games like RPG Tycoon in the future.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: GSProductions Ltd
Developer: Skatanic Studios
‘9+’ for Everyone NINE and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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