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I was told Race.a.bit was a retro styled racer put on a modern day system. I wondered if Race.a.bit was like Pole Position. Not exactly. Race.a.bit is like R.C. Pro-Am. Any of our readers remember that retro racing game? Race.a.bit does have one major difference though. Race.a.bit has checkpoints. Players must go through each check point in the right order. Miss one, and you have to go back.

Medals are given in Race.a.bit based on how quickly you beat the level. Which requires going through each check point almost perfectly if you want a gold medal. If you can beat the computer ghost car then you will most likely receive a gold. Which is easier said than done since there are plenty of obstacles in the way. Cutting corners can be a bad idea if there is a wall there.

In some aspects Race.a.bit looks better graphically than R.C. Pro-Am. In other regards it does not have as good of art. There are some neat visual effects like when the car goes through the grass. Reminded me of hacking and slashing grass in Zelda video games. I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code for Race.a.bit on Steam. Sadly there are no physical copies of this game.

Race.a.bit contains twenty normal race tracks. There is also the less desirable online game modes which drain the Internet usage families have. The music is really nice, and there are plenty of cars to choose from. Some of the loading times are long, and some are short. Cars bounce backwards off of objects like rocks which will really impact your timing.

Race.a.bit works with controllers. The Family Friendly Gaming controller worked with Race.a.bit. That is the good news. The bad news is Race.a.bit has some control issues. At times it felt like controlling a brick in Race.a.bit. Then I would over compensate and things got worse. It takes a fair amount of practice to get the racing controls down in Race.a.bit. Once you do, then you have beaten all the tracks.
- Frank


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Headup Games
Developer: Aesir Interactive
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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