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Continuing through the collection sent to us from Tim Emmerich is Rampart. This Atari Lynx came confounded and confused me for many hours. Thankfully I have the power cord adapter on the Atari Lynx. Players place cannons (the part I had the most trouble with), and watch their castle get attacked by ships. Once the cannon fire has ended the player must place Tetris like pieces of new wall to defend their castle again.

Graphically Rampart looks okay. I enjoyed the sound bytes, and I love the concept of keeping a castle safe from attacking hordes. We do not turn the other cheek in Rampart though. We get back at them until we have defeated the attackers. The Lynx may be one of the worst versions of Rampart. That can said for any hand held version of most video games though.

If you have a link cable and two Atari Lynx devices then a multiplayer mode is available. I do not know if two copies of the Rampart game are needed. I suspect they are. Since we do not have all of the hardware available we can not verify that. The concept in Rampart has promise. I wish we could seed the bay with mines.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Atari Lynx
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Tengen

Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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