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Riptide GP Renegade




Riptide GP Renegade 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Riptide GP Renegade on the Playstation 4. This downloadable only racing game reminds me of other water racers from the past. There is a kink in Riptide GP Renegade though. Families will visit a futuristic world where we are mostly under water. There are police officers trying to stop us from racing too.

Riptide GP Renegade shakes up the action with the racing. We have trick levels, elimination levels, boss, levels, and of course the normal race levels. Expect to replay the races numerous times to upgrade your jet ski vehicle thing. Then when you unlock a new circuit you will need to start the upgrades on the new water craft all over again. Don't worry because after a few upgrades it will be better than your last one.

Violence happens in Riptide GP Renegade all around us. At times I felt like I was racing through a war zone. There are also short cuts to be found in levels. They may not work on every lap though. Riptide GP Renegade feels like a retail video game. It is unfair that the millions of physical copy gamers will not be able to experience Riptide GP Renegade for themselves. I hope that is corrected in the future.

There is also some bad language and enticement to lust in Riptide GP Renegade. I focused on the racing as much as possible. There are numerous tricks to learn in Riptide GP Renegade. They will definitely take practice. The more I played Riptide GP Renegade, the more I upgraded. Which reminds me. Do not restart a level. Even if you do really bad you get some money and some experience. So complete the level and try again. I like how Riptide GP Renegade is always moving us forward. The better you do the faster you will progress.

Riptide GP Renegade is a fun video game. I wish it was not released in the disposable video game format. There are areas Riptide GP Renegade could have been cleaned up better for families in my opinion. Which would have allowed them the ability to reach more family members. As Riptide GP Renegade is currently family members under the age of ten are excluded from playing Riptide GP Renegade on the Playstation 4.


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Playtation 4
Publisher: Vector Unit
Developer: Vector Unit
‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Language, Suggestive Themes}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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