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Ships 2017




Ships 2017 


The Emperor asked me if I would review Ships 2017 on the Personal Computer. An email was sent to the Emperor with a digital download code for Ships 2017 on Steam. I happily accepted my mission. It is like Mission Impossible. Okay, maybe not, but don't pop my bubble. Many of us gamers live in our own bubbles and know little of the outside world. Or people who are different from us.

I ran into some glitches trying to play Ships 2017. It crashed when I tried to play Ships 2017 from Steam. I went to the location of the executable and ran Ships 2017 from there just fine. I miss playing PC games that are not attached to portals like Steam. I wish more companies would ditch Steam and release physical copies of games that run from disc on the PC.

The music in Ships 2017 is really nice. We do different things in Ships 2017. From loading a ship, to sailing it through the ocean, to unloading the ship. There are three ships to play with in Ships 2017. The ships we purchase in Ships 2017 are not new. Which means we need to repair them. This is done easily with the mouse. In fact the controls in Ships 2017 are really easy to pick up and learn. Keyboard buttons or on screen buttons can be used.

There are twenty-four missions in Ships 2017. Which is a bit light in my opinion. There are also only a handful of ships to sail in Ships 2017. It takes time to earn money for ships too. These things are massively expensive. They cost a lot to repair as well. Parts of Ships 2017 can be really slow. Thankfully we can fastword x2, x4, or x8. Ship sailing controls are simple to learn. There are two bars - one for forward/backward, and one for left/right.

Ships 2017 allows families to make a variety of adjustments on the visuals and audio. That way if your computer can not handle the graphics it can still play Ships 2017. In fact my advice to families is to lower them if you start running into problems. I never had Ships 2017 lag on me once. I think Ships 2017 would make a good game on the home consoles. I could see Ships 2017 on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.
- Luke


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Playway
Developer: FragOut
‘NR’ - Not Rated

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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