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The 5th Wave 


My expectations for The 5th Wave on DVD were really high. Why would I have such high expectations for The 5th Wave? The preview made this movie look very interesting. Aliens come to Earth and do four waves of attacks against us humans. Now the few survivors are dealing with The 5th Wave. This movie is really underwhelming in my professional opinion.

There are family friendly issues with The 5th Wave. What are they? The 5th Wave contains bad language, death, blood, violence, sex outside of marriage, kids being used to fight in a war, and more. SPOILER ALERT! The 5th Wave has kids attack the remaining adults. The aliens trick the kids into doing this by convincing them they are actually fighting the aliens. Really twisted huh?

The 5th Wave teaches us the importance of family, and to keep hope alive. A promise is made and the main character does all she can to save her brother. The 5th Wave is another Holly Weird movie where men are weak and women are strong. When will Holly Weird get tired of preaching this backwards dogma? Is The 5th Wave part of the War on Men?

At first The 5th Wave feels like a horror survival film. I noticed so many mistakes in the plot of The 5th Wave that I stopped writing them all down. The military has shielded devices from EMP's. So do certain other companies. I know, I know, The 5th Wave gets convenient with the plot points to move the story along. It is almost like the main character and the writer are ignorant to reality.

The 5th Wave did not have much of a twist for me since I understand warning signs. When the "military" separated the adults and the kids at a refugee camp I knew something was wrong. It took me much longer in the film to verify my thoughts were accurate. I did not know where The 5th Wave was going most of the time. Too much of this 112 minute movie is wasted in obscurity.

I did not read the book before watching The 5th Wave on DVD. After watching the movie I have no interest in ever reading the book. In fact I will try to avoid this author going forward. I am not impressed. The 5th Wave is destined for the bargain bin very soon. The plot left an opening for a sequel. I hope there is no sequel to The 5th Wave though. This movie did not endear this franchise to me.
- Sam


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: DVD
Publisher: Sony
Developer: Columbia Pictures
‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Violence and Destruction, Some Sci Fi Thematic Elements, Language and Brief Teen Partying}

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