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The Host





The Host 


The Host is one of the most interesting science fiction movies I have seen in some time. Humans are nearly extinct as alien parasites have taken over the bodies of the vast majority of humans. There is no more war, poverty, starvation, etc. There is also no free will. One of the questions The Host poses is: “is free will worth all of those problems?”

I have not read the book, so I am unclear how closely the movie follows the source material. A young woman Melanie Stryder gets caught and implanted with an alien parasite. She and the alien fight over her body. Ultimately she wins the alien over to her side. The alien sees they are enslaving and murdering sentient life forms with their making worlds better.

The Host contains violence, blood, death, enticement to lust, and some bad language. There is a sense of desperation throughout this movie. It does end with hope for the future. Humanity can show it wants nothing to do with the aliens without killing off the aliens. I will let you watch the movie to understand how that applies.

There is a theme in The Host of never giving up. There is also a theme of figuring out if you can trust someone or not. The split personalities fighting over one body is interesting. What is more interesting to me is the aliens society, culture, and humans hiding from them. There can be plenty of scary moments in The Host since numerous humans commit suicide so they will not be taken over. Why? Once they are taken over the alien can access their memories.

Things get really awkward in The Host when the alien falls in love with one human, and Melanie is in love with a completely different human. Plenty of awkward moments between the three of them. Bonus features are mainly the rah-rah everyone was the best to work with.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Universal
Chockstone Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned {Some Sensuality and Violence}

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