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Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Warcraft on Bluray + DVD + Digital HD during the Black Friday sales. We had medium hopes for it, and it was one of the movies we watched on the march to Christmas. Sadly Warcraft is the worst movie of the ones we purchased for the march to Christmas. In fact after watching this movie a couple of times I am still unclear on so many things.

Warcraft has black magic, blood, gore, violence, death, stealing of life to open a portal, bad language, mythical beasts, and more. There is plenty of magic in Warcraft. The magic is very over powered in this movie too. It was interesting to see there is a price to pay for the usage of magic in Warcraft. Especially the Fel Magic. Which is the blackest kind of magic and reminded me of voodoo.

The story in Warcraft made no sense to me. So many characters get killed off in this movie. It is really hard to bond with any of them since they wind up dead. Evil is allowed to flourish in this movie. The main bad guy continues to exist and remain in power. I suspect that is so they can have a sequel. Orcs and humans try to work together in Warcraft. Sadly they are betrayed on both sides.

There was plenty of bonus content on the Blu-ray version of Warcraft. The bonus content is deleted/extended scenes, gag real, origin story, the fandom of Warcraft, behind the magic, bonds of brotherhood motion comic, teaser, The World of Warcraft on film, stunts, VFX, Warcraft The Madame Tussauds Experience, and more. Most it made my skin crawl. Especially how much time is wasted on this game. I think of all of the suffering in this world and how that time could be spent helping those in need.

In the past I played some of the Warcraft games. They were okay in my book. The control schemes left a lot to be desired. I never got into the online only game because I am not into those. I prefer console games anyways. I hope offline versions of Warcraft make a return. Warcraft showed me that I am not missing anything by not playing World of Warcraft. There are so many better experiences for families.
- Paul


Graphics: 45%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Universal Pictures
Developer: Legendary Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Extended Sequences of Intense Fantasy Violence}

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