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I am so happy that Family Friendly Gaming was provided a copy of Zootopia on Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD. This is one funny animals acting like humans movie. Especially the DMV scene. Everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming laughed and laughed. Zootopia is a feel good movie about working really hard to achieve your dreams. Use all of the naysayers to make sure you succeed. Family Friendly Gaming has had its death threats, and attacks from the tolerant of diversity crowd. They do not stop us, nor do they define us.

There are a few issues in Zootopia that families will want to know about. The religious belief of evolution is preached briefly in Zootopia. There is also an attack on store owners not wanting to serve certain people. American culture would be in such a better place if store owners could deny service to anyone for their own religious beliefs. Then America would be following the First Amendment again instead of the redefiners getting their way.

There are brief scenes of violence, and peril in Zootopia. The story in Zootopia feels like a police drama in some ways. Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde make amazing characters in Zootopia. I was guessing until near the end of what was really going on in Zootopia. I thought it was some virus since it seemed to be contracted at one point in the movie. Don't worry I won't spoil it for you.

The predator versus prey thing in Zootopia is interesting. As is the animals that like go around naked. Zootopia has a variety of social commentary in it. Disney is certainly getting more liberal in their stances too. Which should not surprise anyone since Disney has been attacking Christians in recent years for following the Holy Bible. I know there have been Christian boycotts of Disney before. I would hope Disney is not being petty about that history. I believe Christians should be honored, cherished, and protected.

Judy's parents are interesting and fun characters in Zootopia too. They want their daughter to be safe. They also want her to be happy, and to stay at home and be a carrot farmer. Flash is a great character in Zootopia. Especially near the end of the movie. After you watch Zootopia you will know what I am talking about. Zootopia has a message of not stereotyping, and letting others try things.

The Try Anything music video in the extras of Zootopia fits the theme of the movie. Although I can think of plenty of things I will never try because they are not smart. Things like stick my head in front of an angry barking pitbull, jumping off a roof with nothing to catch me, disobeying God, and more. I really liked some of the bonus content for Zootopia. Like when they explained different story ideas they were trying. That collar idea would have never worked. The deleted characters were also cool. I appreciated how the designers went to research real life animals. The round tables were also of interest. I can't forget that music video with a catchy tune.


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Pixar
Rating: ‘PG’ - Parental Guidance Suggested {For Some Thematic Elements, Rude Humor and Action}

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