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If you watched the FFG Haul Black Friday 2017 video then you know Arrival is one of the movies we picked up. If you missed that video and want to know what other products are slated for review in the coming months then please click here. I knew this movie was a first contact situation with aliens that came to Earth. Which brings up all kinds of questions.

Arrival gives the aliens God-like abilities. There are people on our planet who worship aliens as their religion. So it should not surprise us to see that from Holly Weird. Arrival is generally dark and dreary looking. The aliens seem almost demonic in some ways. They definitely create a fearful reaction in others. Arrival also preaches about coming to together and stopping war.

SPOILER ALERT! There is one concept in Arrival that tries to blow our minds. That concept is the aliens are not constrained by linear time. They can see the future. They pass this ability on to a linguist. Or maybe she learns it by learning their language. Which is circles with weird blotches in different places. The concept of being outside of time has been one discussed within the church for a long time. God is outside of time.

Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, and Forest Whitaker star in Arrival. There is a moment where horrible bad language is used. It is really not needed in my opinion. The laws of physics do not apply to certain parts of Arrival. Nor does contamination, and breathable atmosphere. Arrival plays fast and loose with reality in a few parts. Being able to go into the future to get knowledge you need in the past is an interesting concept.

Arrival felt so depressing in so many parts. I wish Arrival had been more upbeat at times. The reactions by different nations at certain points in the story did not make much sense to me. Plus how do they know they could actually do the alien vehicles any damage? Arrival will mess with your mind from the beginning. When you figure it out, you will have an Ah-ha moment. Then never watch this movie again.


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Blu-ray
Publisher: Paramount Pictures
Developer: FilmNation Entertainment, Lava Bear Films
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {For Brief Strong Language}

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