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Batman The Television Series Season One 


We have had Batman The Television Series Season One sitting around for some time now. I don't know how long. I finally decided to watch it. It was really painful to watch this campy show at first. Then we started having fun with it. Sometimes we laughed at the show. There were other times we laughed with Batman The Television Series Season One. We loved pointing out when the stunt doubles were in there fighting for Batman and Robin. They definitely looked very different.

There are plenty of well known actors and actresses in Batman The Television Series Season One. Why didn't Cesar Romero shave off his mustache before playing the Joker in Batman The Television Series Season One? It sticks out really bad. The villains all do a good job in Batman The Television Series Season One. Each story is broken into two episodes. Batman and Robin must escape some peril at the end of the first episode.

The issues families can have with Batman The Television Series Season One is lack of attire, enticement to lust, violence, incompetent police and more. Riddler and Joker have so many opportunities to take out the dynamic duo that it can frustrate anyone who worships evil. I love how Batman The Television Series Season One focuses on good, and doing the right thing.

Kids can learn some fantastic lessons from Batman The Television Series Season One. How to do the right thing, how to fight evil, and how to treat women are some lessons I learned from Batman The Television Series Season One. Speaking of women, the male villains all have some female helper that regrets their life decisions. Thee women are also always attracted to Batman.

It takes 856 minutes to watch all five discs of Batman The Television Series Season One. I don't know if I will look into the other seasons of this show. I suppose if they come down to a decent price I will consider it. The giant words that pop up on the screen help with the entertainment factor. There are so many cool things in Batman The Television Series Season One that political correctness has attempted to destroy in our day and age. It is neat to go back and see them in older shows like this one.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay: 80%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: Fox
Developer: DC Comics
Rating: ‘NR’ -
Not Rated

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