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Black Sails The Complete First Season




Black Sails The Complete First Season 


As I write this review I realize this is the lowest scoring television show I have ever rated. Black Sails The Complete First Season also holds the honor of being the lowest scoring product for Family Friendly Gaming at this point in time. I bought this on Black Friday 2017. I was curious about this show. This was covered in the FFG Haul for Black Friday 2017. If you have not seen it, then please check here.

If I were to give Black Sails The Complete First Season an age rating it would be adult only. In the movie terms it would be a NC-17 rating. Black Sails The Complete First Season is barely below the 'X' rating. That is how bad the content is within Black Sails The Complete First Season. I am shocked this is allowed on television in any way, shape or form. Let alone on Starz.

The issues found within Black Sails The Complete First Season are violence, blood, death, fear, bad language, nudity, sexual deviance, lies, deceit, theft, murder, sex outside of marriage, and more. The levels of nudity are extremely high in Black Sails The Complete First Season. One of the major areas this show obsesses over is a brothel. The bad language is way too frequent, and the worst language. Children do not need to be anywhere near this show.

The flow of Black Sails The Complete First Season is very fast. Why is that? There are only eight episodes included within Black Sails The Complete First Season. It took me 456 minutes to watch this season. Characters move from place to place, and others are killed off in Black Sails The Complete First Season. All of the pacing is so fast that it can be difficult to keep up who is allied with whom. The motives of different characters is always in question.

Adultery is shown as completely normal behavior. No wonder the American culture is getting so messed up. Holly Weird is trying to normalize the worst choices any human being can make. The moral code in Black Sails The Complete First Season is hard to find. Murder is justified in some instances and not in others. I stopped trying to figure it out. This is a show I will not be going back to.
- Paul


Graphics: 20%
Sound: 10%
Replay: 30%
Gameplay: 30%
Family Friendly Factor: 0%

Publisher: Anchor Bay
Developer: Starz
System: DVD
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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