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Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2




Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 


I appreciate Lionsgate sending Family Friendly Gaming a reviewable copy of Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 on DVD. This cute little Netflix show has made it to the DVD realm for the second time. It takes 132 minutes to watch the six episodes. The six episodes are BFFs, Wishing Well, Awesomest Day Ever, Share Air, Nurture Is Her Nature, and Beastly Bungalow.

I love the forest of feelings in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. The integration of the Cousins and the Care Bears is apparent in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. The first volume was all about the Cousins. Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 is more about the Care Bears. The Cousins make appearances in each of the six episodes of Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2.

Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 deals with a variety of issues. Many of them deal with feelings and helping others. Jealousy, and competition are some of the bad things in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. Envy, and theft are also dealt with in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. My favorite episodes are the ones about keeping your promises.

I loved seeing different things in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 like surfing. I also learned to appreciate the moment in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. Too much awesomeness can become a bad things, especially when it tires your friends out. There is some music, poetry and singing in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. There are also concepts of sharing, and apologizing.

Grumpy and Beastly are my two favorite characters. They have more edge to them. If I can even say anything in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2 has an edge. I felt so bad for Grumpy when he got his ankle hurt. I also loved seeing Beastly interact with the Care Bears in Care Bears & Cousins BFFs Volume 2. He is a much better and nicer character in this volume versus the first one.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 95%

System: DVD
Publisher: Lionsgate
Developer: American Greetings
‘NR’ for Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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