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Cars 3




Cars 3 


I am very thankful Disney sent Family Friendly Gaming Cars 3 on Blu-ray + DVD + Digital. They actually sent us even more content, but that is covered in a completely different article. Yeah I know we are spending a lot of money on covering Cars 3. Lightning McQueen has been a favorite here at Family Friendly Gaming for many years. Our kids watched Cars over and over again. Cars 2 was not as liked, and we will see where Cars 3 lands.

We see Lightning at his prime and a little past his prime in Cars 3. He races and wins a lot. He has great friends in the racing community and outside of it. Then new cars come into the circuit that have new training methods and new aerodynamics. Lightning crashed like Doc Hudson did. Can he recover? Can this old dog learn some new tricks? Or will something else happen?

In many ways Cars 3 comes full circle with the original Cars. Lightning was the rookie in Cars, and the wily veteran Doc Hudson taught him all he knew. In Cars 3 we see Lightning referred to as a living legend by many other cars. The rookies watched him racing as they grew up. So it is a thrill for them to beat him. They know they are younger, faster, and better trained.

There are numerous of moments in humor in Cars 3. Most of them have to do with Mater. There are some others that involve Mrs Tritter. That demolition derby scene is where Cars 3 has some violence and peril. Cars can be repaired in Cars 3 though. So it is not as bad as the controversial and highly divisive political correctness that is found within Cars 3.

SPOILER ALERT! I am very disappointed with the ending of Cars 3. In fact everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming is. We felt it was forced. Lightning is making his big come back. He is about ready to beat the arrogant younger car. Instead he steps down and invites Cruz Ramirez to finish the race for him. Disney Pixar shoved a female car to the front to be the heroine instead of Lightning McQueen. This felt forced, and wrong. Then we find out Lightning will keep racing. So he is not even fully transitioning. Nor do we know if he will be able to beat the newer cars. It left us feeling like the arc for Lightning was not completed on any side.

There are tons of bonus features in Cars 3. There is Lou, Mrs Fritters Racing Skoool, Let's Get Crazy, Ready for the Race, Cruz Ramirez the yellow car that could, Generations The story of Cars 3, Deleted Scenes, and More. The main lesson in Cars 3 is to have confidence in yourself. Have the faith that you can do it. There are plenty of new and cool characters added to Cars 3. I loved seeing the King come back as well.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Pixar
Rating: 'G' - General Audiences
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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