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Despicable Me 3




Despicable Me 3 


Normally we have our Thanksgiving to Christmas movies picked out after the Black Friday purchases. Well a week before Christmas Despicable Me 3 went on sale. We knew we had to add it into our Christmas movie mix. I know we are trying to have the FFG Haul videos show what is coming in terms of reviews. There can always be surprises that pop up if you know what I mean.

Despicable Me 3 continues the franchise and the humor is definitely there. Gru finds out he has a twin brother. His mother lied to him all these years. Gru's long lost father recently died and was also a villain. His twin brother is not as good at is as Gru once was. Gru also got fired from his job when there was a change of leadership at the Anti-Villain League. Why was he fired? He had not been able to capture Balthazar Bratt. No one else had been able to either, yet they got to keep their jobs.

There are some great things in Despicable Me 3. First and foremost there is how a family adapts to the breadwinner losing their job. This can be a tough and stressful time for a family. Especially when the person who lost their jobs did all they could, did a good job, and was let go by a really bad person allowed into a position of power. Some people should not be in leadership roles.

The issues families can have with Despicable Me 3 is cartoon violence, and some rude humor. There are some awkward situations in Despicable Me 3. If you saw the preview of Despicable Me 3 and the bubble gum happy birthday song then you know what I mean. Gru also has to decide if he wants to follow the path of evil again like his brother Dru is tempting him toward. There is some lying, and theft in Despicable Me 3 as well.

Lucy (Gru's wife) is not submissive to her husband. She could be considered part of the war on men. I like how she starts to be a mother to the girls. It is also neat to see the girls starting to grow up just a little bit. There is plenty of action and adventure in Despicable Me 3. The bonus content is Mini-Movie: The Secret Life of Kyle, Minion Moments, Deleted Scenes, Character Profiles, and More.

We enjoyed Despicable Me 3 in our family. It was sad to see most of the Minions leave at one point. The end of Despicable Me 3 sets up some interesting dynamics for a possible Despicable Me 4. Baltazar Bratt was a really good character in Despicable Me 3. He started corny at the beginning of the movie, and at the end he was a pretty good villain. In fact I was not sad to see what happened to Hollywood personally.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 88%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 88%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: DVD
Publisher: Universal Studios
Developer: Illumination
Rating: 'PG' for Parental Guidance Suggested
{Action and Rude Humor}

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