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Doctor Strange




Doctor Strange 


I am thankful Disney sent Family Friendly Gaming a copy of Doctor Strange on Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD for a review. I do not know much about Doctor Strange from the comics because I am not into magic, or the occult. Why not? God instructs us to avoid it. I personally choose to obey God over rebellion. Doctor Strange taught me the close relationship between cults and the occult.

The special effects in Doctor Strange are insane. Doctor Strange is a visual masterpiece where people are walking on walls, and buildings are trying to crush them. The reversal of gravity as well as all of the different relics they had at their disposal is amazing. Doctor Strange promotes the concept of there being a hidden magical world behind the real world. Doctor Strange also teaches the religious belief of a multiverse.

The issues families can have with this thirteen and older only rated movie are magic, occult, blood, gore, violence, profanity, and more. Spirits leave the bodies in Doctor Strange. This movie references it as astral projection. There are a variety of magical battles in Doctor Strange. Characters mix martial arts with magic to become even more lethal. There is also deception and lies in Doctor Strange. What is shocking is it comes from even the good characters.

I enjoyed the humor in Doctor Strange. There is a thirst for knowledge from Doctor Strange. He learns quickly even though he comes from the medical world. He was a brilliant and arrogant surgeon who took his eyes off the road and crashed. In the car crash he damaged his hands. Which meant he could no longer be a surgeon. His quest for healing for his hands led him to mystics. There he found magicl power beyond his imagination. He also found out about an evil trying to destroy our world.

Doctor Strange contains a ton of bonus features. Some of them are A Strange Transformation, Strange Company, The Fabric of Reality, Across Time and Space, The Score-cerer Supreme, Marvel Studios Phase 3 Exclusive Look, Team Thor Part 2, audio commentary, deleted scenes, and a gag reel. It takes one hundred and fifteen minutes to watch Doctor Strange.

I have not seen visual effects like this since Inception. Doctor Strange goes way beyond anything Inception did. I was expecting all kinds of nasty magic in Doctor Strange. While magic is present in Doctor Strange, it is a tool used. So the intensity of it is not as bad as I originally feared. I wish Doctor Strange had been humbled a bit more. It was interesting to see how the damage to his hands continuously impacted him.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Marvel Studios
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{for sci-fi violence and action throughout, and some intense crash sequences}

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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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