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Kings of Isreal




Kings of Isreal 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Kings of Isreal on Steam. This digital board game is amazing. It has fantastic music, a great voice actor, and an intelligent design. Family Friendly Gaming has asked for video games based on the Holy Bible. Kings of Isreal is one game that fulfills that request. We are taken back to ancient Isreal starting with King Saul.

There are four phases in Kings of Isreal. The first is King's Godliness, then Sin Increases, Prophets Work, and End of Round. Kings of Isreal moves us from King Saul, to King David, then King Solomon and so on. There are numerous locations in Kings of Isreal. Players must deal with false idols, sin, and a bad influence from the neighboring nations. Prophets gather resources and build altars.

The way to win Kings of Isreal is to have enough altars on the map. If sin gets too big of a strong hold in Kings of Isreal then you will lose the game. Prophets have a variety of skills available to them, and they have multiple turns. Whether the king of Isreal is good or evil has an impact on the game play in Kings of Isreal as well. There are also cards drawn that can be used in this PC game.

The most interesting mode to me in Kings of Isreal is Study. We play the game, and have questions to answer every so often. If you miss a question then sin is spread. If you get the question right then sin diminishes. I loved how easy it is to see what you need to build an altar in Kings of Isreal. I hovered over the tab with my mouse to see the exact resources I needed.

Everyone in the family can enjoy Kings of Isreal. This is the kind of a video game that improves the image of the entire video game industry. The only people who will not like Kings of Isreal are those suffering from Christianophobia. It was an honor and a pleasure for me to play and review Kings of Isreal on Steam. I hope to see more games like Kings of Isreal in the future.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: Funhill Games
Developer: Alastair John Jack, Lance Hill
Rating:  'NR' for Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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