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Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge




 Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge on the Playstation. This game is also on the PC, and Gameboy Color. We have been working really hard to get more retro reviews online. Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge is part of that initiative. I just recently wrapped up the recording of Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge on the Playstation.

My biggest problem and my biggest complaint about Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge is the controls. They are loose. Some of the mini games are very frustrating because of these control issues. If you watched the videos then you know this. If not, please click here. Those are genuine and real reactions to this home console game the first time I came across them. There was no acting on my part.

Graphically Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge did a lot of different things for a game of its era. Sure there is pixelation in Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge. This game was released in 2001 though. So I looked at other games from the same time frame, and Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge looked good. Especially that ending game scene in the final video.

The voice acting is really good in Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge. I ran into a few glitches here and there in Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge. This is something I expected from this era. When I worked at it, and concentrated I could get myself through the mini games. I love the different locales in Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge. There are plenty of interesting characters to interact with as well.

For the cost, I feel like I got my money's worth out of Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge on the Playstation. To be blunt this game is actually longer than I thought it would be. I wish there were more modern games just like Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge. Lego Worlds is one of the closest things. Maybe Lego City Undercover. I loved the different vehicles in Lego Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: PC/Playstation
Publisher: The Lego Group
Developer: Silicon Dreams Studios
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER
{Comic Mischief}

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