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Light Tracer




Light Tracer 


I am extremely thankful Oasis Games sent Family Friendly Gaming a digital download code for Light Tracer on the PS4 VR. The download size of Light Tracer is 1.6 gigs. I have no information on a physical copy version at this time. That may change in the future. In fact I hope it does. Light Tracer is an interesting puzzle video game that reminds me of the isometric video games.

There is a princess in Light Tracer. She will follow the light that we put down on the ground with a staff in the right hand. Please note Light Tracer requires two Playstation Move controllers. The left hand of the player is used to move around the map, and to interact with objects. Please note different buttons are used for those different interactions. It feels weird at first, but I adapted eventually.

Like many VR video games Light Tracer can make you ill. If you spin the world around too fast. This is something I did using the wrong button to interact with moveable platforms in this puzzler. The 3D effects look decent. I am not very pleased that we see the princesses underwear when she runs away from us. The dress should have covered up better in my opinion. I am also surprised the ESRB did not catch that. The ESRB should pay Family Friendly Gaming for all of their mistakes we have unearthed over the years.

The music in Light Tracer is nice. I liked the graphics in Light Tracer. Others here at Family Friendly Gaming disagree with me, and think they are just meh. There is talk of false gods in Light Tracer. In fact the player is referenced to as a false god guiding this princess. I wish the religious content had been left out since it will alienate a super majority of Americans.

I did notice some glitches here and there in Light Tracer. The costume of the princess can be changed. We collect gems along the way, and have some very interesting boss battles. I enjoyed my time with Light Tracer. I hope to see more Virtual Reality platformers like Light Tracer in the future. The puzzle elements are a bit light. The action adventure elements can take some time to adjust to. Like pointing, jumping, and avoiding monsters.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sounds: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Playstation 4 VR
Publisher: Oasis Games
Developer: Void Dimensions
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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