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MLB 15 The Show





MLB 15 The Show 


This is the final MLB The Show game on the PS Vita. Sony killed the series off on the Vita thanks to the blunders of this particular game. MLB 15 The Show has a case that has a digital download code inside it. No physical cartridge. There is a note on the front of the case that says: “Downloadable Game Voucher, No Game Card Included. Memory Card and Access to Playstation Network Required.”

MLB 15 The Show looks good, and it sounds good. The Vita version of MLB 15 The Show is a bit scaled down from the Playstation 4 version, which is to be expected. The download size of this game is huge, and takes many hours to download. You should have provided the game in the approved physical format Sony.

There are multiple difficulty settings so new players can learn how to play this baseball video game. I played MLB 15 The Show on the Playstation TV instead of the PS Vita. I hope you enjoyed that game I played and uploaded to Youtube. I had a blast playing it. I was sweating a few times when the pitchers were nowhere near their marks. How could they throw it so far off? I never figured out how the pitchers could mess up so badly.

The major downside to MLB 15 The Show is playing with other players locally. We had all kinds of problems getting that to work. I also had issues fielding with MLB 15 The Show. Did you see the fans in the stands? Yeah the models of them looked a bit off, especially in the legs.

I hope this franchise gets sequels on the PS Vita in the physical format in the future. MLB 15 The Show showed the entire industry that digital only is not the way to go. We want cartridges so we can save memory card space. I had to delete every other game just to fit MLB 15 The Show. That is crazy.

MLB 15 The Show is decent baseball action for on the go. I prefer previous years of this franchise on this system though.
- Frank


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay: 90%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: PS Vita
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: SCE San Diego Studio
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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