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Mononoke Forest 


My spirit soars on the wings on eagles that GAMEDO provided Family Friendly Gaming a digital download code of Mononoke Forest on the Nintendo 3DS. In America there are no physical copy versions of Mononoke Forest. Mononoke Forest does sell for $3.99. The nice thing about digital downloads is they generally cost less. The down side is it will only work on one machine.

Mononoke Forest is about these monster spirit creatures that want to make humans happy. There is definitely a religious nature to the Mononoke in this Nintendo 3DS video game. I found the monster spirits in Mononoke Forest do not fit into the Judaeo-Christian belief set that the super majority of Americans profess to follow. Unless we looked at the Mononoke as demons. The problem with that is demons are not about restoring the land and making people happy. Some of the monsters in Mononoke Forest look pretty demonic though.

The game play in Mononoke Forest caught my attention. We link Mononoke together, and then launch them to the top screen. We can bump into other Mononoke, restore the land, plant things and more. There is a lot to do in Mononoke Forest. Which is really surprising considering the price. Mononoke Forest does include the controversial and highly divisive evolution religious belief in it.

Mononoke Forest includes decent controls. The guide shows where we will launch the Mononoke. So when I targeted I took my time. There is a limited amount of time in Mononoke Forest. Why is that? We are working at night when the humans are sleeping. We are also trying to get the Grand Mononoke back after an evil bug character did away with him while he slept.

There are certain characters in Mononoke Forest obsessed with food. What is it with Japanese games, and anime that always has someone food obsessed? Is there a cultural thing I do not understand? Maybe one of the millions of members of Family Friendly Gaming Universe can explain it to me. Some missions take multiple times to complete. We also have to move around the village to do different things in different places.
- Luke


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: GAMEDO
Developer: cribee
Rating: 'E' Everyone Six and Older
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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