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Point Break




Point Break 


After watching the 2015 remake of Point Break, I was convinced the original movie was better. Now I need to add some information on that. First off I had not seen the 1991 movie in a long time. I did not remember all of the bad content. I also felt like the remake was not true to the spirit of the original. What did I do? I went out and spent a few dollars on a copy of the original Point Break movie.

I am eating crow big time on thinking the original would score better. You heard me right. I was totally wrong. Point Break has so much bad content that is not needed. Like the language. Why is there so much bad language? I have never worked anywhere with that much bad language. I have worked in some rough places too. Just another example of Holly Weird being way of base.

Point Break has nudity, lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, violence, sex outside of marriage, and a teaching of the religious experience of surfing. So much of the bad content in Point Break is not needed. Like the nudity for example. Totally pointless, and does nothing to help the plot. It was obviously thrown in there for gawkers. Some of the violence makes sense, and some was exaggerated.

I like the plot line in Point Break. SPOILER ALERT! These bank robbers hits places in 90 seconds or less. They only rob for four months and then are gone. The FBI is trying to stop them. A new agent listens to his older partner (Gary Busey) about surfers being the bank robbers. So the younger agent (Keanue Reeves) goes under cover. He finds the right surfers and the FBI tries to stop them. Eventually only one of them (Patrick Swayze) is left alive. He is allowed to go out and try to surf a monster wave that kills him.

Point Break could have been so much better if the language, and nudity had been left out. The bad language is totally pointless in my opinion. I am thankful that the remake cleaned up some of the problems in the original. Point Break also shows us what can happen when we become a slave to adrenalin. The surfer bank robbers in this movie are enslaved to getting that adrenalin high. Point Break is a definite warning to the rest of us that we should avoid that lifestyle at all costs.
- Paul


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 30%
Replay: 50%
Gameplay: 55%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: Largo Entertainment
Rating: ‘R’ - Restricted {Violence, Language, and Brief Nudity}

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