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Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar




Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a copy of Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar on DVD. There are ten episodes on two discs. The episodes are When Evil Stirs, Forgive and Forget, Nightmare in Amber Beach, A Date with Danger, Roar of the Red Ranger, Forged Under Fire, Home Run Koda, Riches and Rags, Besties 4Eva, and Gone Fishin. It takes two hours and twelve minutes to watch Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar.

We have reviewed multiple Power Rangers shows here at Family Friendly Gaming. If you are not familiar with the franchise I will give a little preamble. Young men and women use these gems to transform into Power Rangers. They fight monsters in martial arts styled violence. There is also weapons that fire energy beams, and there are plenty of explosions. Fights end up with these giant robots (Zords). The Power Rangers fight to save the Earth from invading forces.

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar has plenty of humor in it. There are a variety of lessons in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar. Things like give girls what they want, live up to your parents expectations, follow your own dreams, don't be selfish, never give up hope, you can do it, sports are not important, museum fossils are important, be a part of a family, and more.

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar promotes the religious belief of Old Earth theory. Plenty of threads from previous volumes are completed off in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar. There are a variety of upgrades to their Power Ranger gear in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar too. It is neat to see the new Zord. A new enemy faces them in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar too. Well one that changes between two characters.

There was no bonus content included with Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar. I like how Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Roar has more episodes than previous volumes. I still find it odd that previous Power Ranger shows are released in entire seasons or as a complete series. For some reason Power Rangers Dino is being released in smaller volumes. I like the actors and actresses in this show.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Gameplay: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: DVD
Publisher: Lionsgate
Developer: Saban
Rating: ‘NR’ -
Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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