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Puzzle Showdown 4K


Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval


Puzzle Showdown 4K 


I am very thankful 70 Times 7 sent Family Friendly Gaming a digital download code for Puzzle Showdown 4K on the Playstation 4. Puzzle Showdown 4K is also my personal favorite kind of video game. What kind of a video game is Puzzle Showdown 4K? It is a jigsaw puzzle game. The pictures in Puzzle Showdown 4K are so beautiful too. I was shocked at how good the puzzles look.

Puzzle Showdown 4K has fifteen different categories in it. There are over one hundred different puzzles in Puzzle Showdown 4K. There is also five hours of music included. The music in Puzzle Showdown 4K is in Acoustic, Classical, or Electronic. Puzzles can be done in 28, 60, 112, 252, and 510 pieces. Puzzle Showdown 4K can be played in Single Player, Multiplayer, Showcase, Options, and Credits.

Up to four family members can play Puzzle Showdown 4K at the same time. Rotation can be turned on or off in Puzzle Showdown 4K. Backgrounds can also be changed. That includes image, outline or none. I also noticed the puzzle piece will highlight when you have it in the right spot. The faster you get the puzzle piece there and more points you will score. This matters when there are playing with family members. Family members work together on the same puzzle.

Puzzle Showdown 4K earns the rarely given Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval. The only thing that could make Puzzle Showdown 4K better is if it was released in the ultra popular and much sought after physical format. Showcase is pretty cool if you want to see the pictures and listen to the music. I loved the three crosses picture in Puzzle Showdown 4K. It is nice to see a video game developer and publisher be friendly to the super majority of Americans that self identify as Christians.

I had so much fun playing Puzzle Showdown 4K. So did everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming. I beat my dad most of the time while playing Puzzle Showdown 4K. He beat me a few times. Even my older brother played Puzzle Showdown 4K and he liked it too. I strongly suggest families check out Puzzle Showdown 4K on the Playstation 4. It is a video game that is entirely safe for families.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 95%
Sounds: 100%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 100%

System: Playstation 4
Publisher: 70 Times 7 LLC
Developer: Kingdom Games
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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